Thursday, July 24, 2008


the idea behind the short flick is that thinking is a process in its self.

real life network

crossings are a part of the pedestrian network.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

review - online networking

i found it very useful to be in a network with the other 112 students. it was very useful to be able to view their favourite works online and see their personality or style and express your thoughts on their projects via comments. it is also great to get feedback on your own works, it helps you locate strengths in your work that you have may not originally noticed. some of the students blogs i commented on were leahs, libya, and sarahs. their style which was similar to me which captured my attention.

was introduced to this magazine last year by my year 13 art teacher. it is a great source to find contemporary artists through links to their sites.

dave kinsey
i love dave kinseys work, he uses bold colours highlighted by crisp outlines that make the flat colours have depth and makes his stlye of work interesting and unique. i found him last year in year 13 art, i used him as one of my artist models.

macro photography
interesting to see how objects change when you see them up close.

fluid form

these images were from my project based on the investigation of fluid form. i used the precedents office da and zackary kinnaird who both include fluid form in their design, and used these designs to influence my own ideas of fluid form. the work that influenced my project the most was an instillation by office da. they connected lots of singular, cylinder-like tubes to create a whole curve, almost in the shape a rolling wave.
i used this idea of layering by office da and also the overall shape of some of zackary kinnaird's projects to produce my design. my project is made out of layers of paper which were cut into strips and then folded a few times down the width of each strip to create a curve. the singular strips of folded paper were then joined, similar to the join or base of a fan, and held together by sewing pins. these flat layers of built up folded paper successfully created a fluid form or curve.